Towards Maximising our Glorious Destiny in Christ (3) – Bishop David Oyedepo

The ways of God as contained in the scriptures are the winning ways of life Micah 4:1-2 Malachi 4:1-2 — the ways of God will humble the pride of this wicked world. Please locate your place in this everlasting path.

Stop playing religion, we are in the days of Kingdom realities. You can’t stop being excited if you get on God’s side.

Every child of God is a child of destiny. We have to see our picture of our glorious destiny in Christ. To be conformed to the image of God’s patterned Son is to command dominion in this wicked world Romans 8:29-30 — we are justified to be glorified.

Every believer has a common destiny. It’s our spiritual insight that determines the limit of every believer destiny Genesis 13:14-15. The farther we see, the higher we fly.

  1. We have a prosperous destiny in Christ — wealth is not the ambition of a believer, it’s a discovery of the covenant that command wealth that define how far we go 2 Corinthian 8:9 — Galatians 3:13 we are made rich by the price Christ paid, we now need to know how to actualize it Revelation 5:12 Deuteronomy 8:18 — we have a covenant highway that demands a discovery for delivery. The covenant is (while the earth remain, seedtime or sowing time shall not see Genesis 8:22 ) 2 Corinthian 9:6-8 — giving is sowing. For a provision of the kingdom to become a manifestation, there is a responsibility. The anchor law of Prosperity is the law of giving

Philippians 4:15-19 — Without sowing , no supply. Your giving is not a donation to help the church, the ministry or the minster. Its a spiritual transaction. God don’t need me for anything, of His fullness we have all received John 1:16 1 Timothy 6:17 — there is natural tendencies to be high minded. I need His help. The anchor law in that Covenant is giving which many hates. You can’t fast your way to prosperity, I mean God’s prosperity. You must give your way into it. In everything by prayer and fasting, it does not include prosperity — Philippians 4:15 Job 22:23-24 (laying gold as dust is fortune). You can’t not substitute one spiritual for another. A law is a guarantee, not a guess work. You can fast to get light on how to prosper, not fasting for money. You fast for empowerment.

  1. We have a pace setting destiny in Christ John 8:12/17:18 — we show the world the way through. We are pathfinder, pace setter and trailblazer. Looking at Jesus, His life is expression of never seen before kings of wonders – Luke 8:26. To realise it, stay in love with God and keep growing your love for Him and wonders will never cease in your life 1 Corinthian 2:9 (this is ordination for a believer) — we are ordained by God to set the pace. You must have an unfeigned love for God (passion for God) — 1 Samuel 13:14 1 Kings 3:3 — The characteristics of love for God set man apart from his peers. Show me a genuine lover and I will show you another pace setter, trailblazer and pathfinder. You must sold out to God Daniel 12:3 –When things of God don’t move You, you are very far. When God becomes your priority for living, the world will look for you Matthew 6:33. To get there, you must take pleasure in the matter of God’s kingdom Psalms 102:13-15 — pace setting destiny emerges from dedication and devotion to Kingdom’s matter. You must align with the truth practically. Let your love for God define your genuine kingdom interest. Prophecies comes to pass on the platform of your obedience.

You don’t pity prosperity, you only pity poverty. Prosperous people don’t beg, it’s only poor that beg.

Destiny in Christ is the most elastic Destiny Genesis 13:14-15 Proverbs 4:18 – we are ordained to shine more and more. Breakthroughs are in degrees. Its the farther we see, the higher we fly 2 Corinthian 3:18 1 John 5:4 — going from glory to glory is not our ambition, it’s our birth right.

How do I know I am saved

  1. By the fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22 2 Corinthian 5:17 Matthew 7:20
  2. Meekness – it’s a silent virtue with untold impact Psalms 25:9. The word meekness means teachability. 1 Peter 3:4 –Ornament in this scriptures can be described as a decorative jewellers and it’s of a great price in the sight of God. It always attract God. Moses was the meekest and becomes greatest. A meek always end in greatness — Numbers 12:3/ Exodus 11:3 Deuteronomy 34:10/7. Meekness does not only command result, it sustain it. The opposite of meekness is pride Proverbs 16:18. Meekness enhance our access to His guidance Isaiah 45:1-3 Psalms 25:9 – God does not guide everybody, He only guides the meek. Either you obey or does not obey God, He remains the I AM THAT I AM Exodus 3:14. Everybody needs meekness to realise his or her glorious destiny Matthew 5:5 Philippians 3:3 — meekness is of a vital necessity. Always remain small in your own eyes — the meeker a believer, the larger his coast of destiny 1 Samuel 17:46 — we are permitted to make our boast in the Lord, but not in the confidence of the flesh. 2 Chronicles 26:14-15/16/21 — everything happening in your life is happening because you are helped. The moment God withdraw His help, the helplessness and the weakness of a man is revealed. The help of God is the difference maker.
  3. Goodness (doing good as a lifestyle) — Jesus, the patterned Son was doing good and anyone in Christ must have the testimony of being a good person. How will people describe You? Acts 10:38/11:24. Do good to all men — doing good to evil people does not harm You, God will defend you Galatians 6:10. Let us take opportunity to do good to people that comes our ways to exhibit goodness Ephesians 6:8 1 Peter 3:13 Psalms 41:1 — doing good to the poor and the challenged is securing us in the times of troubles. Doing good is good even if it’s wrongly done.
  4. Putting away the works of the flesh
  5. Be careful of unhealthy comparison. It’s one of the work of the flesh. Canal comparison stairs up covetousness. In life, everyone is running jis own race, fave your race so you don’t miss your prize. Hebrews 12:1 – No two people are running the same race. Whatever you are against never comes your way 2 Corinthian 10:12 — wish those who has gone up well and then it will be your turn.
  6. Also be careful of strife — Ecclesiastes 7:16-17 — people that subscribe to fighting everybody every time don’t go anywhere. 2 Timothy 2:24 Don’t give an answer to any of your critics. No attack no defence, just keep going. Strife don’t keep you up, it only get you down.

How to realised our Glorius Destiny in Christ?

  1. Commit to learning from anointed ministers of God Isaiah 30:20-21. Knowing where you are going is one thing, knowing how to get there is the real thing.
  2. Engage in prayer and fasting on any issues of life. If you are tired of sickness, search how to be in health with prayer in fasting Isaiah 58:8

Covenant Family

Genesis 1:27-28 — every Christian family is under the blessing of the Father God. When God blesses, struggles are terminated Proverbs 10:22. The life of Joseph is an example Genesis 49:22-26 Psalms 105:21. The blessings of the Father God has prevailed over everything that operate in my progenitor.

How do we secure the blessings of God on our Family?

  1. Salvation is the bedrock Acts 3:26 — God wants us saved and our household. the more people get saved in your family, the more blessings that family is exposed to. The household of Cornelius all got saved in one sweep. Also the prison guard general in Acts 16:31 — God is interested in the salvation of our families.
  2. We should stand in as Joseph and Esther of our families Genesis 45:5-7 Esther 4:16. One of the reason you are saved is that you can secure the security of the salvation of your family.
  3. Plead for mercies to destroy all curses tying down the destinies of innocent people in your family Exodus 20:5 Psalms 16:4
  4. We should enter into covenant to serve God with our families 2 Chronicles 15:12/15 – He gives you rest round about Matthew 6:33.

By redemption, we are now members of God’s family Ephesians 2:19. Every generational curse and spells has no more legal hold upon our lives — whatever does not operate in God’s lineage can no more operate in my life. We have been set free to set others free.

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