Apostle Mike Orokpo – The Reverse Protocol (MP3 Download)


This message is to bless you with the knowledge of the economy of God which is our Glory inheritance.

Stages of Corruption

  1. Sickness and Diseases : The first expression of corruption is lack of strenght and vitality. In the economy of Glory, sickness can not attach itself to you becasue virus don’t attack anti viruses.
  2. Bondage and Captivity : When a man lacks Glory, captivity will be prevalent. Bondage engenders captivity. You need to understand how to grow in Glory.
  3. State of Blemish and Rejection : If you are not accurate to be complete in essence, you can’t walk in Glory. God does not take any animal with blemish. Even the priest is not allow to have any form of blemish. Rejection and blemish is the third level of the lack of glory. The major 3 kind of blemish are sin and iniquity, lust and flesh.
  4. Death/Hade : When a man walk in corruption, overtime, he will die. two levels of death is denaturation and seperation from God (going to hell). Hell is a state of corruption. When a man is seperated from God, he is already in hell on earth.
  5. State of Eternal Damnation : Perishing is the highest level of corruption. It’s what the Bible called the second death. Corruption leads man to a state of perishing.

You must turn back from the path of corruption and begin to move in the path of Glory. When a man turns back from death to life, that is what we call resurrection. Resurrection is a reverse protocol that takes man from corruption to incorruption. You don’t have to die before you experience this.


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