How to Define a Relationship that Will End in Marriage

Marriage is one of the important aspects of a human life. Your destination can be determined based on the kind of relationship you enter into. There is an old saying that birds of the same flocks together. The person you end up marrying will in one way or the other reflect your image. That is why it’s very important to define the kind of a relationship that is suitable for marriage.

God is the one and only author of Marriage. In the book of beginnings, God Almighty created them two. He created Adam and God later created Eve to be his help meet.

So, how should you define your relationship that you want it to end in Marriage? Let’s look at few points below

  1. Be of the Same Mind: A lot of hitches and fight that marriages faces today can be lined to this subject of same mind. Can two work together unless they agree?. If you and that person always disagree on important issues that will either make or mar your life, then it’s time to check and fix that. You as a guy might like your parents to come visit once in a while, on the other hand, your girl wants her mother to come a permanent visit. Wisdom is profitable to direct. When I said you and your intending marriage partner should be of the same mind, I mean on a good thing. There is a Bible Story of Hananiah and Saphira that united together to lie to the Holy Spirit, it resulted into death for both of them.
  2. Pasion and Interests: This is very important. Passion is like a fuel that fire up an individual. If you and your partner have passions that is intertwine, there is tendency to bond more to each other than having different interests. There is no way you can have the same passion 100%, but at least having 80% will be okay. For example, if you as a Christian lady love Serving the Interest of the Kingdom and your man doesn’t like such, there might always or sometimes be frictions. Research shows that similarities doesn’t really counts to making love works.
  3. Love for Others: To be selfless is to be full of life. The reason being that, you always get back what you give. The Bible hanged all the Laws and the Prophets on only two laws; Love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself. If your partner is always practicing self, then you need to check that point. If it’s something you can correct, you can do so. Loving others makes you enjoy living to the fullest. My Lord Jesus Christ gave all to the extent of giving His life. There is no love without giving. Our God gave till He gave His only Begotten Son. God gave all to rescue humanity from destruction, both of you should give yourselves to God and love Him. God is love and there is no genuine love outside of God. Don’t just measure your relationship on Money alone, does he/she love others as he/she loves himself/herself?

There are still many points that will need to go into the article, but I want to give us opportunity to contribute to this topic. Kindly leave your own points or views in the comment section below.

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